
Strony, ktore omijamy. Sites and Scams to Avoid.

Czytalam wiele negatywnych opini i zlych historii na temat niektorych stron oferujacych ankiety. Oto wstepna lista tych na ktore nie warto zwracac uwagi, bedzie ona uzupelniana systematycznie:

- unikajcie stron z platnym wpisowym
- sprawdzcie BBB stron ktorych nie jestescie pewni
- myslcie, jesli ktos oferuje 'gwiazdke z nieba' jest to OSZUST!

I have read many negative reviews and bad stories about the following sites in message forums and survey pages across the web. I'll add to the list as I do more research over time.

- Avoid paying to join any survey sites
- Check the BBB about sites you're unsure of
- Use common sense, if they promise you the world, it's a scam!

Wszystko na temat Cash Crate. All about Cash Crate.

Zdecydowalam sie na napisanie osobno na temat Cash Crate poniewaz ta strona rozni sie od innych darmowych zamieszczonych na tym blogu.

Na wstepie powinnam wspomniec, ze czlonkowstwo jest darmowe, dzienne ankiety dostepne przez 24 godziny na dobe warte sa okolo $0.80. Nie jest to moze tak duzo jak placa konkurencyjne strony ale dostepne kazdego dnia, po dodaniu do siebie mozna osiagnac okolo $24 miesiecznie jesli jestescie systematyczni.

Cash Crate  jest znana jako GPT (get-paid-to) strona. To znaczyza firmy reklamowe i wspolpracujace placa CashCrate pieniadza za Wasze ankiety i testowane produkty, strony i uslugi. W odpowiedzi na to CashCrate oddaje 75% tych pieniedzy do Was. Mozecie zarobic $100-$200 miesiecznie wypelniajac darmowe oferty. Dobrym pomyslem jest zalozenie oddzielnej darmowej poczty mailowej dla cashcrate i innych, poniewaz bedziecie otrzymywac duza ilosc wiadomosci. Niezaleznie od tego czy bedziecie zakladac osobna poczte czy nie adres pocztowy musi zostac ten sam przez caly czas czlonkostwa.

Cash Crate ma jedna z lepiej platnych opcji 'polec przyjaciela', wiec jesli zdecydujesz sie na czlonkostwo warto sie nad tym zastanowic. Sa dwa poziomy. Pierwszy poziom sa to ludzie zapisani bezposrednio pod Wami i poziom drugi to grupa zapisana pod Waszymi znajomymi. Na samym poczatku waszej przygody otrzymacie 20% z pierwszego poziomu oraz 10% z poziomu drugiego, jesli taki zaistnieje. Te procenty sie zwiekszaja w zaleznosci ilu ludzi zaprosicie do swojego grona.

Otrzymacie rowniez $3 bonus za kazdego zaproszonego, ktory zarobi $10.

Wszystkie te kwoty oczywiscie sie dodaja.Jesli masz 10 osob zapisanych pod Toba i one osiagna swoje $10, Ty bedziesz mial z tego $50, i jesli te osoby maja kazdy swoich 10 kolejnych zaproszonych przyjaciol i oni osiagna swoje $10, Ty zarobisz $450. Nie zle co?!

Chcialabym tylko dodac, zebyscie sie nie stresowali zapraszaniem znajomych i bez tego dacie rade dorobic sobie pare zlotych. Powodzenia z Cash Crate .

I've decided to write a separate post about Cash Crate because it is a bit different from the other free, survey-only sites listed on the blogg.

I should first mention that there is a free, daily survey available every 24 hours that pays $0.80. That is not as much as some of the other sites pay, but it will be available everyday and it adds up to around $24 a month if you keep up with it.

Cash Crate is what's known as a GPT (get-paid-to) site. This means that advertisers and companies pay Cash Crate money to have you review and try products, websites, and services. In return, Cash Crate passes 75% of the money back to you. You can make up to $100-$200 a month by completing the free offers and trials. It's a good idea to sign up with a separate, free email address at cash crate, as you will receive a lot of email in your in-box when you do the offers. I use Google mail. Whether you use a separate address or not, you can only use one email address and it has to stay the same on every daily survey or offer you do.

Cash Crate has one of the higher paying referral setups around if you are willing to tell others to sign up. There are two levels of referrals. Level one are the people signed up directly under you and level two are the people who signed up under them. When you first start out, you receive 20% of your 1st level referrals earnings and 10% of your second level referrals earnings. These numbers increase with the addition of more referrals.

You also receive a $3 bonus for any referral that reaches $10.

All of this obviously can add up. If you have 10 referrals that reach $10, you will have made $50, and if those 10 referrals have 10 referrals each that reach $10, you'll have made $450. Not bad!

I'd like to stress that you can just stick with the free daily surveys and make money on this site. There is no pressure on you to sign up other people or complete offers. You will, however, get the most out of using Cash Crate if you have others participate with you.


Strony z platnymi ankietami. The Paid Surveys Webs.

Opinion Outpost Mniej pewnosc, ze czesto bedziecie zagladac do 'members area' poniewaz nie zawsze wysylaja maila z informacja o platnyc ankietach aktualnie dostepnych. Ich ankiety sa zazwyczaj w miare krotkie i nie zanudzaja na smierc :) [US,Canada, UK]

Opinion Outpost Be sure to log in to the members area often as they don't always send an email to let you know they have paying surveys available. The surveys are usually fairly short and have interesting content as well. This is one of my favorites. [US,Canada, UK]

Cash Crate Ta strona oferuje 'dzienne ankiety' i wysyla czek co miesiac. Maja rowniez duza ilosc promocji na stronie. Nie sa one jednak dla wszystkich korzystne. Po zapisaniu sie warto obejrzec filmiki instruktazowe na temat : Jak zaczac i Jak zaprosic przyjaciela. Najwiecej mozna zarobic na naszych znajomych niestety :) i wypelniajac kilka darmowych ofert ze strony, nie martwcie sie oni rowniez swoje dostana, wiec nikt krzywdy nie ma. Aby uzyskac wiecej informacji, przeczytajcie odzielny rozdzial 'Wszystko na temat Cash Crate' - jak caly ten systemdziala. [Wszystkie kraje mile widziane ale USA ma najwiecjej mozliwosci]

 Cash Crate This site offers daily surveys and they send payments every month by check. There are a lot of offers for cash on this site as well. Completing offers definitely isn't for everyone but they are a reputable site and they pay on time for the daily surveys. You will get the most out of this page by referring your friends and completing a few of the free offers though. For more information, read the separate post about how the offers and referral system work called 'All about CashCrate ' [All countries are welcome, but US will have the most offers available]

Survey Savvy Firma placi czekiem w szybkim tempie. Survey Savvy ma bardzo korzystny system  'polec przyjaciela lub kogos z rodziny', wiec jezeli masz gromadke znajomych zainteresowanych takim systemem zarabiania zapros ich. Firma placi Tobie za kazda ankiete przez nich wypelniona. [Miedzynarodowe]

Survey Savvy They pay quickly by check. Survey Savvy has a good referral program if you have friends and family join as well. They pay you for all the surveys your referrals take. [International]

 Valued Opinions daje Wam mozliwosc posiadania iPod-a, ankiety warte sa do £5, rozliczenie w formie kuponow. Firma placi za kazdego zaakceptowanego przyjaciela £2. Mozecie zaprosic ilu znajomych tylko chcecie, ale oni zaplaca za pierwszych piec osob spelniajacych kryteria.

Valued Opinions When you become a member you get the chance to influence the future of products and services, paid up to £5 per survey, the chance to win an iPad just for joining. Paid £2 for each friend who becomes a member. Invite as many friends as you want and they’ll pay for the first 5 friends who qualify (per 3 months). To qualify, your friend must register by clicking through on the invitation email from the email address you provided. Your friend must become an active member and complete a survey within 6 months of joining. [UK]